
Environmental Practice

Ellems Environmental Policy is compliant with all Local, State and Federal legislation requirements concerning the environment and put in place procedures that are agreed upon by each of our customers.

Ellems is committed to continual improve in our processes within the contract cleaning industry.

Ellems have a committed environmental committee, who together with Management and its employees, to ensure compliance through:

  • reduction in waste and disposal of different types of waste, eg.  plastic bottles, waste water from cleaning equipment, paper, etc 
  • recycling of waste, paper, plastic
  • use of environmentally friendly chemicals,
  • maintenance of equipment to keep air and noise pollution to a minimum
  • reduction in disposable products and using products such as micro fibre cloths

Ellems works in unison with its customers to put in place specific procedures at site that will control;

  • the handling and disposal of waste, such as recycling bins in offices, kitchens
  • correct use, dilution, handling, storage and disposal of chemicals
  • maintenance of equipment

Once these procedures have been approved by our customer, they become a part of our Training and Induction Program for employees for that particular site.  Ellems conduct regular inspections and report to Management on the progress to ensure that these procedures are meeting with our KPI's and continual improvement

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